The Future is the day after tomorrow and has began just the day before yesterday
The year 2000 started with a highlight privately as well as in my job in the middle of the year.
So I changed my job after 25 years my job in the Chamber of Commerce and started to work by EnBW Austria, a daughtercompany of Energy Baden-Württemberg in Germany.
The idea, to sell the house take place. I can travell each year , what give me a lot of power. It will not be easy, that I know, but my future is simple laying in my own hand.
.After a very stressful start into the New Year in my office, I started to learn for my Certified Diplom of the Controlling-Master-Programm I had started in last year.
The certificate in my hand, what comes next?
Still there are to finish a lot of things in the house. Also when it is my goal to sell the house, it is better to finish them and we still go forward in doing that.
Finally the clouds of the past clear up. It's never easy to dress out the old clothes and believe, with this step a new person is born. So I am not born again and wear some old clothes, which symbolize my style, which I don't have since short time, more I always had, but had to be hidden for many years.
To young and not experiences. I pull down my doubts and support him a little, at last also in lending money. The seat of the company our home and taking the risk, because who should give him that chance, when not I.
Divorced and living alone with her daughter since she was 2 and a half, did he start to live in my house in the middle of 2002 and had let his flat his daughter.
Also when we worked each weekend, the winter came earlier as expected and so I could only lay the tiles on the balkonies, painting all the windows in 2003.
My son had to go to the military and the future of him and his company is in fear. To wait, that the luck touch us, isn't the right way. So we will fight, he, me, all the family. Whatever goals they have, mine is clear and that helps me a lot staying through all.